XR Therapeutics


Treating Fears, Phobias and Anxieties in Autism

Do you, or your autistic child / young person have any phobias or fears which you want to address and ultimately overcome ?

At Toby House, we now have a specially designed and equipped VR (virtual reality) room from which we are both excited and proud to be offering advanced technology therapeutic interventions to alleviate, if not completely solve, these very challenging and often life limiting difficulties manifesting from severe anxieties, fears and phobias.

 In this specially created environment, our trained TTHT staff merge cutting edge tailored immersive technology alongside Cognitive Behavioural Therapy techniques to be guided by the “patient” at their pace as to how slowly or quickly they wish to proceed with the therapy. This approach accelerates traditional talking therapies in an integrative way, which in turn impacts upon effectiveness and efficiency.  It helps people to face their feared situation in a graded and controlled way, with a therapist alongside coaching them in managing anxiety. 

Please be assured that, as with everything else we do, we adopt a sensitive, gentle and adaptable approach. This therapy literally provides the individual with tailored intervention like nothing before – often producing significant and timely results where other previous therapies have failed.

Our partners in this work are the award winning XR Therapeutics, founded by Dr Morag Maskey and Professor Jeremy Parr, after groundbreaking research was carried out at the University of Newcastle to create and roll out the technology.  To date, this service is in its infancy, but we are already delighted to report success with a fear of going to the dentist, emetophobia (fear of vomit / sick) and are about to commence on work around a fear of alarms and sirens. 

This year, The Toby Henderson Trust is hugely proud to be 1 of the only 4 such sites in the UK.  For more information, please contact support@ttht.co.uk.  PLEASE NOTE: This is a chargeable service but is heavily subsidised by charitable endeavours and donations.

Recent feedback

After treatment for emetophobia (fear of vomiting and sickness).

“X managed to sit in the vets with us last week where the vet mentioned sick several times and X managed to stay in the room by distracting herself.  I did prepare X  beforehand and say the vet would say these things. X has never been able to go to the vets when the dog has been poorly before over the worry of this so that was a big step and that would never have happened before the XR Therapy”.